. Listen to the archived radio show online.. click here and then click the MP3 or RealAudio links to listen to the show.. We played for about 35 minutes and then spun some music and chatted with the DJ's . We also get to play this Saturday night (May 1, 2010) at The 201 in Providence with our friends Six Star General, Chris Evil and The Taints and our new friends from Connecticut Two Fisted Law. . It's gonna be a great night, be there. . COMING...
Huge thanks to Jimmy at Rose's Backstage, the night was epic and the staff was, well... totally amazing. . We've got two shows coming up this week in Providence. We could not turn them down, so you're gonna have to run into our mugs a couple nights this week. The imadethismistake homecoming show TONIGHT (march 1) at AS220 ... and we will have to figure out how to sneak over to TOTT for a few minutes of Blue Monday... And then we get to...
Pencil this in! We picked up a show at The Blackstone a couple days ago, got the lineup complete and now you can pencil sharpie this in for THURSDAY night, Feb 18th. Yup, just a few days away. Hank Sinatra Jr will be opening the show at 9:30 . The Blood Moons (can't wait to play with these guys finally) are going on second. . And your dear ole pals TJM will play around 11pm or a bit later. Show up EARLY and blow your paycheck on drinks, its a...
We can't believe it's Feb 2010 already, crazy... here's a quick update on stuff going on. 1. getting new photos cuz the old ones are just that, OLD DONE! (THANKS Curt. because your Girl Haggard photos rock) 2. we're playing at Firehouse 13 on Feb 6th and at Roses Cantina on the 27th 3. anyone say "new songs?!".. we've got 6 wrapped up and we're writing more 4. video? hmmm, gonna need massive help with that one 5. we're looking to book MA,...